
Why fried pies turn out greasy and burn: never cook the dish this way

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Why fried pies turn out bad. Source: depositphotos.com

Fried pies can be made with a wide variety of fillings. They are very satisfying, and you don't even have to turn on the oven. But it is not always possible to make really tasty and golden pies.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you why fried pies turn out to be greasy and without a crispy crust. It is worth correcting the following mistakes.

Why fried pies turn out greasy and burn: never cook the dish this way

Frying pan and oil are not heated enough

If you put the formed pies on a cold frying pan and unheated oil, they will turn out very greasy. In addition, they will not have a golden crust. First, heat the pan well. When you put the pie in the pan, oil should sizzle. This is a sign that the dish will be successful.

Why fried pies turn out greasy and burn: never cook the dish this way

Very high heat

The dough for pies is quite dense. Therefore, it needs time to cook. If you turn up the heat too high, the products on top will simply burn, and the middle will remain raw. Therefore, fry the pies over medium heat.

Why fried pies turn out greasy and burn: never cook the dish this way

Using the lid at the beginning of cooking

If you put the lid immediately after placing pies in the pan, they will not be golden brown. Condensation, which will interfere with frying, will form. The products will simply steam and be very soft. You can use the lid at the very end of cooking.

Why fried pies turn out greasy and burn: never cook the dish this way

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