
Which dishes can explode in the microwave: never heat them up

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Do not put these dishes in the microwave. Source: cookist.com

Heating food in the microwave saves a lot of time. But it should be remembered that this technique should be used with special care. Not all dishes are suitable for such a device.

FoodOboz editorial staff will tell you what dishes can not be heated in the microwave. Containers can even explode.

Which dishes can explode in the microwave: never heat them up

Styrofoam tableware

Dishes from such a material are disposable. And here special attention should be paid to the label. If there is no mark on the use of the material in the microwave - it is in no way allowed to heat the dishes. Styrofoam is different, and it all depends on the composition.


Which dishes can explode in the microwave: never heat them up

Cardboard should also not be heated in the microwave. The high temperature provokes the release of toxic substances from such material.

Plastic containers

Which dishes can explode in the microwave: never heat them up

If you put plastic in the microwave, of course it will melt. But you have to pay attention to the labels here too, because there are plastics that are designed to be heated.

Metal and foil

Dishes made of such material are most dangerous to put in the microwave. Metal during heating can explode, which will provoke a fire. And even if the plates have thin rims of metal - it is also very dangerous to heat them.

Which dishes can explode in the microwave: never heat them up

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