
What to do to prevent tomatoes from juicing in salads: life hack

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
Why tomatoes juice in salads. Source: Pixabay

Tomatoes are part of many vegetable salads. However, the most common problem during cooking is that the vegetable releases a large amount of excess juice, resulting in a runny dish. But this can be easily fixed by knowing how to prepare and process tomatoes before cooking properly.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information for you and will tell you how to properly prepare tomatoes so that they do not leak juice in salads.

Why tomatoes juice in salads

The technology of preparation of tomatoes:

1. First, wash the vegetables thoroughly and dry them with a paper towel.

2. Cut the tomatoes first in half, then each half into 4 more pieces.

How to properly salt tomatoes to keep them from juicing in salads

3. Place the tomato pieces in a colander and salt well in the ratio of 3 tomatoes /1 tsp. of salt. Leave for 15-20 minutes.

4. After the allotted time, salt the tomatoes again and leave for 10 minutes.

How to properly prepare tomatoes so they don't leak juice in salads

After that, you can safely add the vegetable to the salad without fear that it will leak juice.

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