
What to add to coffee to make it even tastier: top 5 unexpected products

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
How to make coffee more delicious. Source: Pexels

Even the cheapest coffee can be made deliciously. All you need to do is add some commonplace ingredients to your favorite drink that you'll definitely find in your kitchen. And they are suitable for both instant and brewed coffee.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information for you and will tell you how to make ordinary coffee even tastier and what products will help you do it.

How to make coffee even more delicious

1. Nuts – you need to chop them a little and then fry them with ground coffee in a frying pan.

2. Prunes – chop the dried fruit and add it to the already brewed coffee. Be sure to leave the drink to brew for about 2 minutes.

What spices can be added to coffee

3. Vanilla sugar, cinnamon – just a little bit will be enough for 1 serving of a coffee drink – literally on the tip of a knife.

How to brew coffee in a Turk

4. Honey – 1/2 tsp is enough for a balanced and moderately rich taste.

Can you drink coffee with honey

5. Red pepper – here you need to focus on the amount of the drink, but just a little will be enough to wake up in a matter of minutes.

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