LS Food
What to add to broth to make it healthy: just one ingredient
Homemade light broth is already quite nutritious and dietary on its own. But if you add just one simple ingredient to it, the first course will take on a different flavor and be much healthier.
The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information for you and will tell you which ingredient will make the broth healthy.
So, ordinary apple cider vinegar will help you make a healthy first course.
According to THE KITCHEN, apple cider vinegar extracts nutrients from the bones on which the broth is prepared. Thanks to this, the dish will be many times richer in useful vitamins and minerals. It will also have a richer flavor and pleasant aroma.
To achieve this result, just add 1-2 tbsp of vinegar along with the other ingredients and bring the dish to a boil.
If you don't have apple cider vinegar on hand, you can replace it with the following ingredients:
- white wine
- white wine vinegar
- lemon juice