LS Food
What not to eat and drink in the evening – TOP 5 products
Few people manage to really avoid late-night snacks, even though they are harmful, and to avoid eating 3-4 hours before bedtime. If you do choose to eat in the evening, limit yourself to light meals or kefir, as it will be much easier for your body.
Nutritionists say that before going to bed, you should limit yourself to eating 5 foods and drinks that can harm the body.
1. Pizza
It is number one among the unhealthy overnight foods because it is very fatty, and salty, with spices and hot sauces. The ideal time to eat it is lunch.
2. Chocolate and ice cream, sweets
It's simple – these foods are very high in calories, and regular consumption will lead to weight gain. Because sweets contain fast carbohydrates, which must be converted into energy almost immediately after eating, and at night we do not make active movements, so carbohydrates will be stored as adipose tissue reserves.
3. Cottage cheese, sour cream
These are fatty dairy products, they are very heavy for evening and night snacks. The best time to eat them is in the morning, you can easily make delicious cheesecakes or cottage cheese casseroles, they will be very useful for breakfast and will give you a boost of energy for several hours.
4. Watermelon and apples
Watermelon is a very tasty, but very diuretic product that should be eaten during the day, but not at night, in order not to harm the body and avoid swelling in the morning. For the same reason, it is better not to eat apples at night.
5. Green tea and coffee, carbonated drinks
Scientists have found that a cup of coffee and green tea before bedtime will cheer you up in 40 minutes and you simply won't want to sleep. The best time for these drinks is in the morning or afternoon.
Carbonated drinks
You shouldn't drink them not only before bed but in general, because they contain so much sugar and flavor stabilizers that can be very harmful to the body.
The best thing to drink in the evening is warm milk with honey, cocoa, herbal tea, and clean water, and eat light foods such as vegetables, steamed fish, eggs, and vegetable salads.