What is the secret of burnt crust in Basque cheesecake: nuances and main ingredients

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
How to make a Basque cheesecake

The secret of Basque cheesecake haunts many housewives. It resembles a cottage cheese casserole, but the only thing that distinguishes it from it is the crust burnt on top. And no, this is not a mistake of some inexperienced cook, but a feature of this dessert. Recently, it has been gaining popularity.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you what the secret of the burnt crust of the Basque cheesecake is and the nuances of its preparation, based on the advice of Norecipes.

Where did the Basque cheesecake originate

Spain is considered the birthplace of the dessert. It was first cooked by a Spanish chef in 1990 after he adopted a secret recipe from his parents.

The main ingredients of cheesecake

The original Basque cheesecake recipe is based on 5 ingredients: cream cheese, heavy cream, sugar, eggs, and flour. Experienced chefs can sometimes add a little vanilla or vanilla paste, but this is not necessary if you want to be close to the original.

Burnt crust is formed by the caramelization of sugar

Why it is important to use heavy cream

Firstly, heavy cream helps to achieve a homogeneous and creamy consistency of the dough. Secondly, they make the dessert richer and creamier. At the same time, you should avoid special thickeners or creams that contain gelatin.

What kind of flour to use

Most likely, it doesn't make any difference, since Basque cheesecake uses a very small amount of flour. So, you can use any flour you have at home. But don't forget that wheat flour has a significant gluten content, which makes pastries and desserts more "rubbery". So you can look for some alternative.

What is the secret of burnt crust

In general, cheesecake is not cooked for so long that it can burn or turn into charcoal. During the baking process, an important reaction occurs: sugar caramelization. As a result, the top gets a rich dark color and caramel flavor.

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