What dishes will bay leaves spoil: where is it better to use
It's hard to imagine a kitchen cabinet without a bay leaf in the spice box. And this is not surprising, because it is quite versatile and is used in many dishes. However, it often happens that housewives thoughtlessly put this seasoning in every soup or appetizer, and then wonder why they turned out to be tart or noticeably bitter. And all because even such a simple spice has its own subtleties and secrets.
The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you the main rules for using bay leaves and which dishes they will definitely not "make friends" with.
The main points
It is forbidden to put the spice in ready-made dishes. This is in case you don't want to experience the full range of bitter notes.
The leaves should be removed immediately after cooking. For the same reason as in the previous case.
The ratio of liquid to bay leaves: no more than 1-2 leaves per 1 liter.
Dishes that are hard to imagine without bay leaves
- Thick soups. Add the seasoning 10 minutes before cooking, and remove it after cooking.
- Liquid soups. Almost everything is the same as in the previous case, but you need to add the spice 5 minutes before cooking.
- Meat broth. Add the leaves 15-20 minutes before cooking.
- Stewed meat dishes. Bay is usually added at the very beginning of cooking. It can be removed when finished.
- Fried vegetable dishes. Add seasonings at the very end of cooking.
- Stewed vegetable dishes. Add the leaves at the beginning of cooking, but not for more than 15 minutes.
- Baked vegetable dishes. And here, you can't think of a better use for bay leaves. For additional flavor, you can use it in any form.
- Canning for the winter: marinades, pickled and salted dishes.
A little explanation: if you overexpose or do not remove the bay leaves from the dish, they will begin to release saturated essential oils that will make the food pungent and sugary.
Dishes that bay leaves will spoil
- Chicken and vegetable broth.
- Fish broth. However, in this case, it all depends on the type of fish. If it is initially bitter, then bay will further enhance this flavor. If you do use it, it is advisable to add it at the very end and remove it immediately after a few minutes, stirring.
- Boiled and fried fish dishes.
- Boiled vegetable dishes.