
What can ruin okroshka: never cook this dish like this

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
What makes okroshka tasteless. Source: pexels.com

It would seem that okroshka is absolutely impossible to spoil. Pouring chopped vegetables with dressing is as simple as that. But still, two nuances especially affect the taste of the dish.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you what you need to pay special attention to when cooking okroshka. We are talking about adding vegetables.

What can ruin okroshka: never cook this dish like this

Peeled cucumbers

Many housewives peel cucumbers before cutting them into okroshka. Either they are just used to it, or they are convinced that nitrates accumulate on the surface. But you should not remove the skin. It is the peel that adds piquancy to okroshka and prevents the cucumbers from going soft. Without the peel, the pieces will simply turn into a homogeneous mass, and you won't be able to taste them.

What can ruin okroshka: never cook this dish like this

Not every radish is suitable for the dish

You shouldn't cook okroshka without radish. But only if the vegetable is really fresh and juicy. If the radish is too hard or spicy, it is not suitable for the dish. The product will simply interrupt the taste of the rest of the ingredients. Alternatively, you can add the radish separately, just before serving.

What can ruin okroshka: never cook this dish like this

What you can use to make delicious okroshka:

  • on kefir
  • ayran
What can ruin okroshka: never cook this dish like this
  • sour cream
  • kvass
  • chicken broth
  • whey
What can ruin okroshka: never cook this dish like this

Each option is delicious in its own way. It all depends on your taste preferences

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