
What are the benefits of kiwi and what you should never cook with it: expert tips

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Benefits of kiwi
Benefits of kiwi

Kiwi is one of the most delicious, healthy, and budget-friendly fruits. It's worth noting that it contains the most vitamin C, as well as nicotinic acid, vitamins A, E, PP, B, potassium, calcium, iron, and magnesium. But you should eat this fruit very carefully because it can often cause allergies.

Ripe kiwi

Nutritionist Yana Leheza spoke about the benefits of kiwi, as well as who shouldn't eat it and why, on Instagram.

Benefits of kiwi

First, it is worth noting what are the benefits of kiwi and how many calories are in 1 fruit

Benefits of kiwi

Calories: 42,1

  • carbohydrates: 10.1 g, including 6.2 g of sugar
  • calcium: 23.5 mg
  • fiber: 1 g
  • phosphorus: 23.5 mg
  • magnesium: 11.7 mg
Benefits of kiwi
  • vitamin C: 64 mg
  • vitamin E: 1.0 mg
  • vitamin K: 27.8 mcg
  • potassium: 215 mg

"Kiwi contains vitamin C, folic acid, iron, fiber and many other useful elements," the expert noted.

Kiwi has a lot of vitamin C

The expert also added that kiwi is good for eyesight.

This is due to the high levels of zeaxanthin and lutein

Can you eat kiwi peel?

The kiwi peel can also be eaten

"The kiwi peel contains a high concentration of nutrients, especially fiber, folic acid and vitamin E," the expert explained.

Kiwi smoothie

What dishes can kiwi be added to and how is it best eaten?

"Due to its pronounced tartness, kiwi gives a bright flavor to everything it is combined with. However, to preserve its unique flavor and beneficial vitamin C content, kiwi is best eaten raw," the expert said.

Kiwi is best eaten raw

What not to cook with kiwi

Kiwi dishes

"You can't make jelly from it. It's all about the enzymes: they break down gelatin and prevent it from solidifying," the nutritionist summarized.

Breakfast with kiwi

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