
Top 5 life hacks for cooking perfect scrambled eggs

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
Recipe for scrambled eggs

This dish is undoubtedly considered one of the best, easiest and fastest breakfasts. Most would say that even a child can fry an egg. But if you want to enjoy the perfect dish, just throwing eggs into a frying pan is not enough.

The Sun has revealed the top 5 life hacks that will help you cook successful scrambled eggs.


Before cooking, eggs should be thoroughly beaten until smooth: this will help the dish fry evenly. To make the eggs more tender and airy, you can add cream.

Beat the eggs until smooth before cooking

Frying pan

Fry the eggs in butter in a well-heated pan. This rule should not be neglected, otherwise the dish will burn.

Fry the eggs in butter in a well-heated pan

Stove top

It is very important to cook eggs on low heat. You want to eat fluffy eggs, not crispy and dry ones, right?

Kitchen appliances

Silicone spatula for cooking scrambled eggs

Most people use a spoon or even a fork to flip their eggs. But it's best to give preference to a regular silicone spatula: it's the perfect tool to help your dish not burn.

The 90% rule

This life hack means that the eggs should be removed from the heat when they are 90% done.

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