
Top 3 unusual ways to use mint

Tetiana KoziukLS Food
How to use mint in an unusual way. Source: Pixabay

The flowering period of mint lasts until September. This plant is usually dried and added to tea. But there are other ways to use this interesting herb that are worth trying.

The FoodOboz editorial team has gathered information and will tell you about the top 3 unusual ways to use mint.

How to use mint in an unusual way

Mint in salads

The leaves of this greenery will be very appropriate in such a dish. How much of it should be added is up to you, based on your own taste preferences. In general, a salad with mint leaves is very unusual, but it will surely refresh and invigorate you.

What to make with mint

Ice mint

In order to prepare this product, you need:

1. Cover the mint with water. Leave to infuse for a day.

2. After infusion, pour the liquid along with the leaves into ice cube trays.

3. Freeze.

How to preserve mint for the winter

Ready-made ice can be used in refreshing lemonades and teas.

Mint against unpleasant odor

For example, if an odor appeared on the carpet or any other fabric, it will be very easy to get rid of it thanks to mint. To do this, it must be pre-dried and then mixed with baking soda. Pour the resulting mass on the surface of the fabric in a thick layer. After a while, you will notice that the smell will disappear and the mint mixture can be removed.

How to freeze mint to keep it healthy

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