Three-ingredient sauerkraut: Yevhen Klopotenko shares the simplest recipe

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food

Sauerkraut is the most budget-friendly and delicious vitamin salad based on cabbage. Carrots, spices, and salt are also added. It is fermented for no more than 7 days.

Chef Yevhen Klopotenko shared a recipe for delicious three-ingredient sauerkraut on his website, which will be ready in 3 days.

How to ferment cabbage, which can be eaten on the 3rd day


  • cabbage – 2.5 kg
How to properly salt cabbage at home
  • carrots – 1 pc
Carrots for cabbage
  • Salt – 2 tbsp

Method of preparation:

1. Wash the cabbage and remove the top leaves.

Carrot and zircon for cabbage

2. Next, grate the cabbage or cut it into thin strips using a regular kitchen knife.

How to cook delicious sauerkraut at home

3. Peel and grate the carrots.

Ingredients for sauerkraut

4. Spread the chopped cabbage on the table surface, add the grated carrots, and sprinkle generously with salt. Mix everything with your hands, but do not squeeze to make the cabbage crispy.

Cooking sauerkraut

5. Put the cooked cabbage in a jar tightly to the edges and put it in a warm place. Be sure to put a plate under the jar, as the cabbage will release juice.

How to properly salt cabbage

The cabbage will be ready in three days. You can eat it with oil, onions, add it to vinaigrette, and make pies.

Pie with sauerkraut

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