LS Food
The most delicate cottage cheese and pumpkin casserole: it will become a favorite autumn dessert
Cooking porridge, preparing a side dish, making healthy candies, and adding to baked goods is not all that can be made from an ordinary pumpkin. And while its season is in full swing, you need to make the most of the vegetable. One of the cooking options is pumpkin and cottage cheese casserole, which is incredibly tender and mousse-like.
Food blogger Roksolana Harasymiv (roksolana.harasymiv) shared a recipe for pumpkin and cottage cheese pie on her Instagram page.
Pumpkin mass:
- boiled pumpkin - 400 g
- eggs - 1 pc
- flour - 3-4 tbsp. l
- dried apricots - 4 pcs
Curd mass
- cottage cheese - 300 g
- eggs - 1 pc
- yogurt - 4-5 tbsp
- flour - 3-4 tbsp. l.
Method of preparation:
1. Let's start with the preparation of pumpkin mass. To do this, boil the pumpkin in advance, and then mix it with the egg and flour. Beat with a blender until smooth.
2. Dried apricots should also be prepared in advance, namely soaked in boiling water and then chopped. Add to the total mass.
3. The next step is the curd mass. For it, you need to mix cottage cheese, egg, yogurt, flour, and then beat with a blender.
4. Next, you need to prepare the future cake for baking. To do this, use a spoon to alternately put the two masses into the mold.
5. Bake at 180 degrees for 40-45 minutes.