The benefits of wine: what and how much to drink

Judging by the comments, a lot of wine was drunk this summer/ Is it worth keeping this habit? Let's deal with the most common alcoholic drink of all memes.

Red wine contains a lot of polyphenols, which support the cardiovascular system, slightly lower cholesterol and positively affect metabolic processes.

Polyphenols can also be found in dark berries, especially blackberries and elderberries, spices (cloves, anise, oregano), cocoa, green tea.

Unlike red, the white version of dry no longer contains these useful ingredients. If you choose wine with benefits, you should prefer dry red, which in addition has a good effect on the intestinal microflora, and increases its diversity.

BUT! It is worth remembering the dosage. If you take red wine as a medicine, you should use no more than 1-2 glasses a week. In the extreme case - non-alcoholic days per week should be more than days with wine consumption. I want to remind you that any alcohol is bad for the liver and pancreas. Remember that the dosage is calculated according to the formula: 2 grams per 1 kg of body weight. For example, if you weigh 60 kg, in the evening you can afford 120 g of dry wine as a digestif. For some patients with chronic liver and pancreatic diseases, with hyperuricemia, there is no safe dose of wine.

For everyone else, it's important to know your measure. Active, healthy and happy people, a rare glass of dry red will not bring harm, but will lift your mood.

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