Strengthening health: vitamins that boost immunity have been named

Elena KozlovaLS Food
Strengthening health: vitamins that boost immunity have been named

Vitamins are biologically active organic compounds that have a positive effect on metabolism and body function.

Among the vitamins are those that can boost immunity.

OBOZREVATEL, together with, offers to familiarize you with the beneficial properties and products that contain vitamins.

Strengthening health: vitamins that boost immunity have been named

Vitamin C can protect you from infections and even stimulate the formation of antibodies to fight off disease. The only problem is that the body cannot produce it on its own, so it must come from the foods you eat daily. Citrus fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits, are known for their high vitamin C content. However, some foods contain even more of it, such as red peppers and strawberries.

Vitamin A helps the body regulate the immune system and protects against infections. Foods rich in vitamin A include sweet potatoes, broccoli, red bell peppers, and carrots. In addition, prebiotic fiber in fruits and vegetables supports and nourishes probiotics that live in the gastrointestinal tract, helping them grow and develop.

Vitamin E is an antioxidant and helps neutralize free radicals in the body. Studies show that vitamin E may even help protect the body against several infectious diseases. Try adding almonds, hazelnuts, and peanut butter to your diet, as well as green vegetables such as spinach and broccoli.

Please note that while it is unlikely that you will get very much vitamin from food sources, fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, E, and K) can be harmful in high doses. Research is still ongoing, but science has consistently supported the fact that vitamins in supplement form can do more harm than good. Nutrients are always most bioavailable in their natural food form. In addition, the health benefits of these products usually lie in the synergistic relationships and combination of all the nutrients that are difficult to obtain from pills.

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