
Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Delicious salty syrniki. Source: depositphotos.com

Syrniki can be not only sweet but also savory. You need to combine several different types of cheese and add herbs. It will be very satisfying, and the products will not disintegrate during frying.

The idea of making salty syrniki, which will not disintegrate in the pan, was published on the Instagram page of a food blogger with the nickname foodblog_95. They are fried in ordinary vegetable oil.

Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make


  • cottage cheese - 350 g (it is better to take grainy, not homemade)
  • cheese - 150 g
  • mozzarella or hard cheese - 100 g
  • eggs - 1 pc.
  • dill, green onions
  • black pepper, salt (not much salt, because mozzarella is salty)
  • flour 2 tbsp + for forming cheesecakes
  • vegetable oil for frying

Method of preparation:

Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make

1. Combine cottage cheese with cheese.

2. Stir, add hard cheese or mozzarella, suluguni.

Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make

3. Add the egg and season with pepper and salt (if the cheese is not too salty).

4. Add flour and chopped herbs to the curd mass.

Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make

5. Stir and form small balls or pucks with your hands, then roll in flour on all sides.

6. Heat a frying pan well with vegetable oil and put a portion of the syrniki on it, cover and fry over low heat.

Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make

7. When they are browned on one side, carefully turn them over with a silicone spatula.

8. Fry on the second side until golden brown under the lid, and then transfer to a dish covered with paper napkins to absorb excess fat.

Salty syrniki that won't fall apart: what to make

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