Nutritionists have named 15 reasons why you should eat bananas

Elena KozlovaLS Food
Bananas improve digestion
Bananas improve digestion

Bananas help regulate blood pressure, reduce bloating, increase energy, and fight some types of cancer.

To understand all the benefits and power, nutritionists talked about the benefits that the body receives when eating them, according to

Nutritionists have named 15 reasons why you should eat bananas

Promote muscle building

If your muscles are sore or not growing fast enough after a workout, you may not be getting enough magnesium in your diet. Bananas are a good source of it. They help in muscle contraction and relaxation, as well as in protein synthesis, which, in turn, increases muscle mass.

In addition, magnesium intake increases lipolysis, the process by which the body releases fat from its stores.

Help muscles recover faster

Bananas are a major source of potassium, an electrolyte that helps muscles recover from exercise, enhances muscle development, and allows you to exercise more.

Keeps you in a good mood

Bananas contain 6% of the daily value of vitamin B9 (folate), which can fight depression. It helps serotonin, which causes pleasant feelings, to enter the brain faster.

A study published in the Indian Journal of Psychiatry states that patients with depression have an average of 25% lower blood folate levels than healthy people. Some doctors recommend increasing the intake of folic acid for those taking antidepressants to enhance their effect.

Reduce feelings of anxiety and stress

According to Cassie Bjork, MD, bananas also contain tryptophan, a "serotonin precursor" that is considered an essential chemical for the brain. It is a natural antidepressant and can treat anxiety and insomnia, as well as problems such as fatigue, irritability, agitation, anger, and aggression.

In addition, bananas contain norepinephrine, which affects the "fight or flight" response, helping to regulate stress.

Help regulate blood pressure levels

According to the FDA, a combination of low sodium and high potassium intake is associated with minimal blood pressure and stroke rates in individuals and populations.

Due to the fact that banana stands out with such a ratio of potassium and sodium in its composition, it is officially recognized by the FDA as a product that can lower blood pressure and protect against heart attack or stroke.

Reduce bloating

A recent study found that women who ate a banana twice a day as a pre-meal snack for 60 days reduced bloating by 50%.

Increase the feeling of satiety

Unripe bananas are rich in so-called resistant starch, which literally resists the digestion process. It feeds healthy gut bacteria that suppress appetite.

One study showed that replacing just 5 percent of carbohydrates per day with a source of resistant starch increases post-meal fat burning by 30 percent. Since these bananas are slightly bitter, they can be added to smoothies with other fruits and vegetables to mask the taste.

Reduce bad cholesterol levels

According to a study published in The Journal of Nutrition, bananas contain phytosterols, compounds that can lower bad cholesterol (LDL). In addition, they contain vitamin B6, which is important for almost everything: heart health, immunity, digestion, and the nervous system.

Improve the functioning of the digestive system

Bananas are an excellent source of prebiotics, which are indigestible carbohydrates that serve as food for beneficial intestinal bacteria (probiotics) and improve digestion. They contain fructooligosaccharides, a group of fructose molecules that lead to improved gastrointestinal health.

Support good bone health

Although bananas do not contain a large amount of calcium (less than 1% of the recommended daily value), they can contribute to better calcium absorption with the help of prebiotic fructooligosaccharides.

It is a source of energy

The reason why marathon runners eat bananas before, during, and after the race is because they are rich in glucose, the most easily digestible sugar source that provides optimal energy.

Protect against diseases

Bananas are rich in three different types of carotenoids (provitamin A carotenoids, beta-carotene, and alpha-carotene), which are converted into vitamin A in the body. Thanks to this, they protect against chronic diseases, including some types of cancer, cardiovascular disease, and diabetes.

Help the body burn fat

Bananas contain 12 mg of choline, a vitamin B that acts directly on the genes that cause fat accumulation in the abdomen. It can also be found in lean meat, seafood, and greens.

Support eye health

Bananas contain antioxidants and nutrients for the eyes and skin. Beta-carotene can protect cells and repair damage at the cellular level. Vitamin E and lutein help reduce the risk of macular degeneration.

Promote body detoxification

Rich in pectin, ripe bananas are a natural detoxifier. The gelatin-like fiber sticks to toxic substances in the blood and removes them from the body through the urine. Pectin can also limit the amount of fat that cells absorb and helps regulate blood sugar levels.

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