Nutritionist explains why we gain more than we lost after a diet

Elena KovalenkoLS Food
Nutritionist explains why we gain more than we lost after a diet

After the end of a diet, most of us not only regain the pounds we lost but also increase our previous weight.

Nutritionist Olha Andrianova wrote about this in her blog.

Nutritionist explains why we gain more than we lost after a diet

"Diets with maximum restrictions are chosen, which in theory should provide quick results. At the beginning, this is what happens, the kilograms are lost, the waist becomes thinner. But as soon as a person returns to a normal eating style, weight is rapidly gained again and often becomes more than it was before losing weight," said Olha Andrianova.

Why does this happen?

According to the doctor, when the body does not receive the minimum of nutrients and energy necessary for the brain and internal organs, it reconfigures its work in such a way as to maximize the use of what is available.

"To do this, the metabolism slows down, and the level of hormones responsible for appetite increases. The body tries to force a person to restore the usual energy intake," the expert said, adding that after stopping such a diet, the metabolic rate does not recover immediately, and the level of hunger hormones remains elevated for several months.

Therefore, according to the nutritionist, a weight loss diet should be moderately calorie restricted so as not to disrupt metabolism and ensure a gradual but sustainable result.

Nutritionist explains why we gain more than we lost after a diet

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