Nutritionist explains how to identify vitamin deficiency by appearance

Elena KovalenkoLS Food
Nutritionist explains how to identify vitamin deficiency by appearance

Vitamin deficiency does not go unnoticed and always has external manifestations.

Nutritionist Olha Naboka told OBOZREVATEL about this in an exclusive commentary.

Nutritionist explains how to identify vitamin deficiency by appearance


B vitamins are found in carrots, parsley, and spinach. The daily requirement of the body is about 1000 mcg. The problem is that vitamins of this group are very poorly absorbed on their own, and to facilitate the absorption process, foods containing fats are needed. The less fat in the body, the more difficult it is for vitamins of this group to be absorbed. Vitamin A is a powerful antioxidant.


The lack of vitamins of group A has the following external manifestations:

  • blurred vision,
  • loss of appetite,
  • appearance of acne,
  • frequent skin irritation,
  • dry skin on the elbows and thighs,
  • dry mucous membranes (more often manifested in the nose),
  • frequent colds,
  • slower metabolism,
  • deterioration of vascular health,
  • hypertension, atherosclerosis.

How to fix the situation

If you have lack of vitamins of group A, it is recommended to include yellow and orange fruits and vegetables in your diet: carrots, citrus fruits, pumpkin, etc. You should also include butter, milk, and fatty fish, such as mackerel, in your diet.

Try this menu: raw carrots + avocado = salad. Add greens, salt, and other ingredients to taste. Red oily fish – grill or steam. For a snack – dried apricots or apples. Seasoned – melon, apricots.

Nutritionist explains how to identify vitamin deficiency by appearance


B vitamins are found in brewer's yeast, sprouted wheat grains, bran, and liver. The daily requirement is as follows: B1 – 1.5 mg; B2 – 1.3 mg; B5 – 4-7 mg; B6 – 1.6 mg; B12 – 2 mg.

Vitamins of this group regulate metabolism, normalize blood sugar levels, and normalize the nervous system. It is an excellent antidepressant.


Lack of B vitamins has the following external manifestations:

  • poor condition of hair and nails,
  • insomnia,
  • stale breath,
  • dizziness,
  • dandruff,
  • "bumps" in the corners of the mouth,
  • depression,
  • chronic constipation.

How to fix the situation

To compensate for the lack of B vitamins, you need to include cereals, vegetables, and nuts in your diet. Particular attention should be paid to wholemeal bread. The diet should include milk, pork, and beef, which contain vitamin B12.

You should also eat poultry, sea fish, and legumes, which contain vitamin B3.

It is very important to use the correct method of cooking foods that contain B vitamins, as you can simply lose the entire value of your purchase.

For example, vitamin B1 (thiamine) is destroyed in an alkaline environment. This vitamin is found in the liver, kidneys, buckwheat, oatmeal, and walnuts. Therefore, it is better to cook with tomato juice or tomatoes.

Vitamin B3 (PP) is poorly soluble in cold water, so it is better to cook all foods. This vitamin is found in the liver, kidneys, chicken eggs, corn, and wheat.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) is found in leafy green vegetables. It can withstand various cooking methods.

Vitamin B12 is contained in products of animal origin. It can withstand various cooking methods.

Nutritionist explains how to identify vitamin deficiency by appearance


C vitamins are found in strawberries, currants, and sorrel. The body's daily requirement for vitamins of this group is about 60 mg. The problem with the lack of vitamins in this group is that if a person smokes or drinks alcohol, he or she automatically puts themselves at risk. First, nicotine interferes with the normal absorption of vitamins of this group. And secondly, nicotine promotes the rapid elimination of vitamins from the body.


  • rapid fatigue,
  • weight gain with an unchanged diet,
  • bruising on the skin even with a light touch,
  • wounds and scratches that do not heal for a long time,
  • poor immunity,
  • brain dysfunction – decreased concentration.

How to fix the situation

In this situation, it is recommended to reduce the amount of alcohol you consume and, if possible, give up alcohol altogether. You should also stop smoking. It is advisable to include spinach, broccoli, rose hips, kiwi, currants, and various varieties of cabbage in your diet, sauerkraut is especially useful.

A lot of vitamins of group C are found in citrus fruits, but citrus fruits can provoke serious allergic reactions, so you need to be extremely careful with them.

It is necessary to properly prepare foods rich in vitamin C, as it decomposes at temperatures above 60 degrees when exposed to oxygen and sunlight:

  • if you soak vegetables and fruits for a long time, you lose vitamin C,
  • during prolonged storage of fruits, this vitamin is destroyed,
  • jam does not contain vitamin C,
  • white crystalline sugar destroys vitamin C.
Nutritionist explains how to identify vitamin deficiency by appearance

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