
Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Cheesecakes that will definitely turn out delicious. Source: Pixabay

Making cheesecakes is a real challenge for many housewives. The products fall apart, burn, and can turn out dry or very thin.

The idea of making delicious cheesecakes that always turn out is published on the Instagram page of food blogger Yevheniia with the nickname e.noyabrik.

Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook


  • cottage cheese – 350
  • eggs – 2 pcs
  • semolina – 2 tbsp
  • sugar – 2 tbsp
  • flour – 4 tbsp
  • oil, butter – for frying
Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

Method of preparation:

1. Pour a pack of cottage cheese into a bowl.

2. Add eggs, semolina, sugar and mix.

Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

3. Next, add the flour in parts and mix well.

4. Leave for 15 minutes to allow the semolina to swell.

5. Sprinkle your hands with flour and form cheesecakes.

Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

6. Place on a floured board to prevent the dough from sticking.

7. Heat a frying pan, pour in vegetable oil, and add butter (for a golden crust).

Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

8. Fry the cheesecakes on both sides until cooked.

Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

9. Then place on a paper towel to absorb excess oil.

Lazy cheesecakes that always work: how to cook

10. Put the finished products on a plate and pour over your favorite jam, sour cream, or condensed milk.

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