LS Food
John Rockefeller oysters and Coco Chanel salad: dishes with big names
The name of a dish is not just a beautiful word or ingredients. The name tells the whole story about the idea and founders of a particular culinary masterpiece. A loud name makes a dish recognizable and arouses public interest.
Today, FoodOboz will tell you about dishes that were named after famous people.
Rockefeller oysters
The recipe for these oysters was created in 1899 at Antoine's restaurant in New Orleans by Jules Alcatore, the son of Antoine's founder. The dish of oysters in a spicy herb sauce was named after John Rockefeller, the richest man in America at the time.
The wife of Italian King Umberto I arrived in Naples in 1889. During one of her informal walks around Naples, Margherita noticed that many people were eating flat bread with vegetables. Margherita became interested in the local dish and asked to be brought different types of this very pizza. Rafael Esposito, the owner of a popular pizzeria in Naples, was honored to introduce the Queen to the new dish. Rafael made several pizzas, especially for the Queen, including a pizza in the colors of the national flag – green (basil), white (mozzarella), and red (tomatoes). This pizza was particularly popular with Margaretta. As soon as she finished the last slice, she sent the pizzeria owner a letter of thanks.
Of course, Rafael had no choice but to name the pizza in honor of the Queen. This is how one of the most popular dishes in the world got its name.
Coco Chanel salad
Coco Chanel never considered herself a great cook and did not like to cook very much. Also, the woman did not follow diets, but due to her busy schedule and almost continuous work, she was always in excellent physical shape. The basis of the legendary woman's diet was fish, fruits, and vegetables, but ironically, the main ingredient of the salad named after Chanel is chicken. This recipe is suitable for both a festive table and a regular dinner.
Ronald Reagan's soup
A traditional American soup named after the president. This dish has become a complement to the story of the "American Dream" – an ideal life in the spirit of freedom and equality. Even in gastronomic terms.
In 1986, Ronald Reagan publicly announced that he was tired of eating French soups. It was then decided to create a "typical American soup". It consisted of the following ingredients: beef, tomatoes, green peppers, and oregano.