
Is it possible to reheat food from KFC and how to do it correctly: useful tips

Erika IlyinaLS Food
How to reheat fast food chicken. Source: freepik

If you were really hungry when you ordered your KFC delivery, there's a good chance you'll have a lot of wings and other food left in the fridge. It's commonly believed that fast food cannot be reheated, so you have to eat the leftovers cold.

Is it possible to reheat food from KFC and how to do it correctly: useful tips

But The Sun writes that this is not the case at all. KFC food is not only possible but necessary to reheat to restore its original taste almost completely. Read below to find out how to do it correctly.

Is it possible to reheat food from KFC and how to do it correctly: useful tips

First of all, you need to remember that this food should not be heated in a microwave oven. The batter that covers the chicken will become too moist and lose its crispness. Therefore, this heating option is not suitable if you want to eat leftovers from KFC as if they had just been served.

Is it possible to reheat food from KFC and how to do it correctly: useful tips

The oven is the ideal option for heating food. Just sprinkle the chicken with oil, put it on a parchment-lined baking sheet, and put it in the oven for 15 minutes at 180 degrees. You can also use a deep fryer. To do this, place the chicken in the grid of the device and send it to fry for 4 minutes at 160 degrees.

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