How to wash mushrooms from dirt quickly: an effective and simple life hack
Washing mushrooms with just water doesn't always work well. The dirt remains and it is quite difficult and time-consuming to get rid of it. But you can make the process much easier if you use the following life hack.
A chef with the nickname o gorodnik on Instagram told us how to properly wash mushrooms from dirt. For this method, you will need ordinary flour.
How to wash mushrooms from dirt:
1. Pour cold water over the mushrooms in a bowl.
2. Rinse a little.
3. Place the mushrooms on a baking sheet and sprinkle through a sieve, sprinkle with flour in an even layer and mix lightly with your hands.
4. Leave for 8-10 minutes to allow the flour to swell and absorb all the dirt that remains on the mushrooms.
5. Rinse the mushrooms under running cold water.
6. Drain on napkins or a kitchen towel to remove excess water.