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How to replace expensive sunflower oil: an expert named the healthiest alternatives. Exclusive
In Ukraine, unscrupulous producers often counterfeit sunflower oil, and prices have risen unjustifiably over the past six months. According to experts, the price of oil may increase from about UAH 70 to 100 per liter in the near future. And this is despite the fact that, for example, in Italy, it already costs almost three times less than in Ukraine.
In this regard, nutritionist Borys Skachko told FoodOboz what healthy, safe, and budget-friendly oils can replace sunflower oil and whether it is worth doing so.
Is sunflower oil really harmful to the body and should we give it up?
"Sunflower oil itself is not harmful at all, on the contrary, it is a useful product that should be consumed. It is dangerous not even to consume vegetable oils, which include sunflower oil. It should be 30% in the diet, otherwise atherosclerosis can develop. It is an excellent source of vitamins A and E, if it is unrefined oil," the expert noted.
Is it possible to replace sunflower oil with some other, more useful oil?
"Of all the oils we have available, both edible and medicinal, olive oil is the most important . Its price is almost the same as sunflower oil, but it is much healthier. Olive oil can be refined and unrefined. Extra virgin olive oil is always used fresh. It is added to salads, ready-made snacks, soups, fish and poultry dishes, and grilled vegetables. In addition, it contains a lot of nutrients and vitamins A and E," the nutritionist said.
What kind of olive oil can you fry with?
"Refined olive oil is the best choice for frying, as it has high thermal stability, so it is perfect for frying in a pan and baking without harm to health. Unlike many vegetable oils, olive oil does not stratify when heated to 220 C and can even be reused if done properly," the nutritionist said.
How to cook with olive oil to make it healthy?
"The first thing is to prepare the ingredients for frying properly, namely, they should be dry. Secondly, it is best to use olive oil to lubricate meat when grilling on a barbecue, so it will retain its juiciness. And most importantly, when cooking, make sure that the oil does not burn, it should be hot, but not smoke," Skachko added.
So what does happen during frying in oils?
"When fried in a frying pan, for example, at 200 C, all oils turn into carcinogens. For sunflower oil, the limit is 150 C, for olive oil – 170 C. After frying, they become extremely dangerous for the body and health in general. As soon as unrefined oil is heated to a high temperature, its beneficial properties are lost and the products become completely useless. To prevent this from happening, the main condition is not to heat it to the point of smoking. This indicator depends on the original product, for example:
- peanut oil can withstand temperatures down to - 190 C
- olive oil "smokes" when heated to 170-180 C
- sunflower oil has a "smoke point" of about 107 C.
As for unrefined oils, they can be used for making sauces and stewing vegetables.
How to use sunflower oil correctly so that it does not become dangerous?
"You need to remember that this oil spoils very quickly, it cannot be stored for a long time. Also, it should definitely not be used for frying or baking. All oils are not for this, not only sunflower oil. You can safely add them to salads, even to first courses – add them at the very end with greens, but do not fry them," the expert said.
Can sunflower oil be replaced with flaxseed or sesame oil, for example?
"Flaxseed oil was as common in Ukraine 100 years ago as sunflower oil is now. Back then, everyone grew flax and made healthy oil, but again, you need to know how to avoid making harmful oil from healthy oil. It's worth noting that flaxseed oil has one important feature: it prevents atherosclerosis and removes cholesterol very well, and is also a source of useful omega acids that are necessary for blood vessels.
The nutritionist also noted that sesame oil is not quite as safe as it seems.
"As for sesame oil, I would not advise using it systematically, especially for people with cardiovascular problems, because it can increase blood viscosity and put a strain on the heart. It is dangerous, because it is enough to use it for just a week to worsen your health," said Borys Skachko.
Can I use black cumin oil?
"There are a lot of nuances that you need to know when using this oil, and it's not as simple as it sounds. Pregnant women should generally avoid using this oil, as it can even disrupt the fetal development of the fetus. It can also disrupt and vice versa regulate the menstrual cycle, but you need to remember that this is all very individual," the expert added.
What oil would you recommend to everyone?
"I can single out pumpkin seed oil, it is very useful, it can be consumed by everyone, and parasites in the intestines do not like it. The oil does not kill them, but displaces them," the expert summarized.