
How to reheat pizza without a microwave to keep it tasty: an easy method

Erika IlyinaLS Food
How to reheat yesterday's pizza. Source: freepik

The process of reheating yesterday's pizza may seem like a completely useless task. The fact is that usually after reheating yesterday's pizza, it becomes simply impossible to eat it. It turns into either a dry bread that is impossible to bite through or a mass of incomprehensible consistency, depending on the method of heating.

How to reheat pizza without a microwave to keep it tasty: an easy method

The Mirror looked into how to reheat yesterday's pizza without a microwave. As it turned out, there is a very effective method that will make the pizza soft and tasty.

How to reheat pizza without a microwave to keep it tasty: an easy method

Chef Dom Melier claims on his TikTok that the only way to heat a pizza properly is to use a frying pan. The expert claims that heating the pizza in the microwave will make it too rubbery, and if you use the oven, the pizza will turn into a crispy cookie.

How to reheat pizza without a microwave to keep it tasty: an easy method

To restore the fresh look and taste of the pizza, put the slice on a well-heated dry frying pan, cover it with a lid, and leave it for one minute. Next, pour a small amount of water into the pan without touching the pizza, cover again, and wait for the cheese to melt again. It will take 3-4 minutes.

How to reheat pizza without a microwave to keep it tasty: an easy method

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