
How to quickly and easily remove foam from broth: we share simple life hacks

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to remove foam from broth. Source: foodnetwork.com

You want to immediately remove the unappetizing gray foam that forms on the broth during cooking. It spoils both the appearance and taste of the dish. But if you remove the mass with a spoon, it will be very time-consuming and inefficient.

The FoodOboz editorial team will tell you about three universal ways to get rid of gray foam on soup. You can even do it so that it does not form at all.

How to quickly and easily remove foam from broth: we share simple life hacks

Add oil

This ingredient will help you make the perfect clear broth. Before the liquid comes to a boil, add a little oil to the broth – a tablespoon is enough. The drops of oil simply neutralize the particles that can cause foam to form.

How to quickly and easily remove foam from broth: we share simple life hacks

Use a napkin

Also, just before boiling, simply place a disposable napkin on top of the broth. When you see bubbles starting to appear, lift it up. You can do this with a spoon or other cutlery.

How to quickly and easily remove foam from broth: we share simple life hacks

All the foam and various particles that will only spoil the taste of the dish will be on the napkin. You will only have a clear and delicious soup.

How to quickly and easily remove foam from broth: we share simple life hacks

Prepare the meat properly

The particles from which the foam collects are formed by the meat itself. Therefore, the best solution is to soak the product in salt water, in the proportion of a tablespoon of salt per liter of water. Meat in this liquid should be kept for an hour. After that, you can forget about the formation of foam.

How to quickly and easily remove foam from broth: we share simple life hacks

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