LS Food
How to properly store carrots so that they do not spoil all winter: the best ways
Carrots are a very healthy and valuable vegetable that experts recommend eating for everyone, especially children. It contains a lot of vitamins and essential minerals, especially Vitamin K. Carrots are also one of the main ingredients in almost all dishes.
The FoodOboz editorial team shares with you useful tips that were published on the 1+1 TV channel's Breakfast with 1+1 website and will help you store carrots properly all winter so that they don't spoil.
To begin with, it is very important not only to store carrots properly, but also to harvest them correctly! If, for example, you dig up carrots before a certain time, their taste will be worse because they have to accumulate a certain amount of sugar. But if they are harvested too late, they will accumulate a lot of sugars and amino acids, which attracts harmful insects! Even after digging, the carrots should be left in the fresh air for 2-3 hours to dry well. Be sure to cut off the tops and cut off a 0.5-1 cm layer of carrots from the base along with the growing point.
How to store carrots properly:
1. In the sand
Sand will prevent carrots from wilting, maintains a constant temperature in the storage, and also delays the development of rot. For proper storage, you will need: sand, a box, and water. Pour water into the sand, in the proportion of 1 liter of water per bucket of sand, then pour the wet sand into the boxes with a layer of 3-5 cm, and carefully spread the carrots on top and pour sand on top again, and a new layer of carrots and do this until you fill the box.
2. In bags
For this method, you will need tight bags or plastic bags for a weight of 5-30 kg. Prepare the carrots and fill the bags tightly, then be sure to leave them unopened in a cool place.
3. In the onion peel
It's worth noting that onion phytoncides prevent rot from developing. Take carrots and onion peels, put them in boxes and place them in the basement.