
How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
What to do to keep avocados from turning black in the refrigerator. Source: pixabay.com

If you put a cut avocado in the refrigerator, it doesn't stay fresh for long. The product almost immediately begins to blacken and spoil. But there is one simple life hack that can help solve the problem.

Blogger Diana Gologovets (diana_gologovets) shared her tips on how to store avocados on her Instagram page. Everything is as simple as possible.

How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

How to store avocados so that they don't darken:

How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

1. Take a small container. Glass is best.

How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

2. Fill it with water.

How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

3. Put the avocado in the water with a slice.

How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

4. Put it in the refrigerator.

How to properly store a cut avocado: it will not turn black even in two days

5. Even after two days, the avocado will remain green and juicy.

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