
How to peel a lot of young potatoes at once: no knife needed

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to peel new potatoes in a few minutes. Source: pixabay.com

Peeling young potatoes is not an easy task. If you remove the peel with a knife, it will stick to your hands and you will need to wash your palms constantly. In addition, the peel does not always scrape off well. But if you use the following life hack, you'll do it very quickly.

The food blogger hestia_ua shared how to peel a lot of potatoes at once on her Instagram page. You will need regular salt.

How to peel a lot of young potatoes at once: no knife needed

1. Rinse the potatoes well to remove any dirt.

2. Place in a deep saucepan.

3. Add a few tablespoons of salt.

How to peel a lot of young potatoes at once: no knife needed

4. Close the lid.

5. Shake the pan well several times.

How to peel a lot of young potatoes at once: no knife needed

6. Check after each time. If the peel remains, repeat.

7. Rinse the already peeled potatoes from the excess skin.

How to peel a lot of young potatoes at once: no knife needed

8. Manually, you will only need to remove black spots, if any.

9. After that, the potatoes can be cooked.

How to peel a lot of young potatoes at once: no knife needed

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