
How to make fluffy pancakes: without milk and kefir

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for pancakes
Recipe for fluffy pancakes with yogurt. Source:

Ideal pancakes are fluffy, tender, and not greasy. Many housewives use kefir, milk, or even whey as a base. But the truly perfect texture is obtained by adding yogurt.

The idea of making fluffy pancakes with yogurt was published on Olga Skrypkovska's Instagram page (skrypa.).

How to make fluffy pancakes: without milk and kefir


  • yogurt (important: at room temperature) - 250 ml
  • flour - 170 g
  • eggs - 1 pc
  • baking soda - 1 tsp
  • sugar - 2 tbsp
  • vanilla - 3 g
  • ghee - 70 g (or vegetable oil 50 ml)
Ingredients for pancakes

Method of preparation:

1. Add baking soda to the yogurt, and mix well.

Mixing dough for making pancakes

2. Add the vanilla and sugar to the egg and beat thoroughly with a blender until thick foam.

3. Combine, beat the egg with the yogurt, and add the sifted flour, mix thoroughly to avoid lumps.

4. Add the melted butter to the mixture and mix thoroughly.

Sour cream for pancakes

5. Leave the mixture for 15 minutes.

Frying pancakes with yogurt

6. Bake over low heat so that they rise and cook well.

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