LS Food
How to keep sliced bread fresh: a simple way to save the product
We've all had times when the desire to make a delicious sandwich or breakfast sandwich didn't end in success because the bread turned out to be spoiled. At such moments, you feel really disappointed, because your mood deteriorates along with the bread.
Therefore, it is very important to know useful life hacks that will help keep bread fresh for a long time. A user with the nickname vickygilchrist_ shared the most effective one on TikTok.
It has long been known that storing bread in open contact with air significantly reduces the time it takes to consume it. That is why bread should be stored in airtight packaging. Even if you have already opened a bag of bread, you can still wrap it so that it doesn't spoil too quickly.
To do this, the blogger simply scrolls the bread bag around its axis several times and drops the rest of the packaging onto the loaf itself. This way, excess air stops coming into contact with the bread, and it stays fresh for much longer. At any time, you can easily unwrap the package, take out the required number of pieces, and wrap it again according to the scheme described by the blogger.