How to keep bananas fresh longer: a secret life hack

Erika IlyinaLS Food
How to store bananas. Source: pexels

Bananas are one of the most popular fruits not only in Ukraine but also in the world. It is budget-friendly, tasty and nutritious. It is also often eaten as a snack. That's why people buy a lot of it so that it is always available in the refrigerator.

However, not everyone knows how to store bananas properly. Some experts say that they should be stored right on the kitchen table, while others say that they should be stored in the refrigerator. Be that as it may, there are certain life hacks that will help you keep bananas fresh for as long as possible. One of these secret ways was shared by Express.

How to keep bananas fresh longer: a secret life hack

In its article, the publication cites Dr. Erin Carter, who says that bananas should be kept separate from any other fruit. This is because they are a source of large amounts of ethylene gas. It significantly accelerates the spoilage of fruits and vegetables that are nearby.

How to keep bananas fresh longer: a secret life hack

Ethylene gas is found exclusively in banana stems. When it is released, it causes damage not only to the surrounding fruit, but also to the banana itself. To protect the products from this, simply wrap the banana stems in foil or wax paper. As a result, the gas will not spread, causing damage to the food, and the bananas themselves will be stored much longer this way.

How to keep bananas fresh longer: a secret life hack

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