
How to cook perfect jacket potatoes without an oven in 10 minutes: a simple life hack

Erika IlyinaLS Food
How to cook jacket potatoes . Source: pexels

Jacket potatoes can be served both as a separate and a side dish. But, cooking them in the oven can take quite a while, and you will be surprised by the electricity or gas bills.

Famous chef Roice Bethel shared how you can cook jacket potatoes without using an oven on TikTok. He claims that everyone will definitely like this life hack and you will no longer have to overpay for utilities.

How to cook perfect jacket potatoes without an oven in 10 minutes: a simple life hack

First, the cook pierces the clean potato with a fork on all sides. Then he puts the vegetable on a plate and then in the microwave for 5 minutes.

How to cook perfect jacket potatoes without an oven in 10 minutes: a simple life hack

After the time has elapsed, Bethel turns the potato in the microwave to the other side and heats it for another 5 minutes.

How to cook perfect jacket potatoes without an oven in 10 minutes: a simple life hack

Now all you have to do is take the potato out of the microwave and serve with your favorite sauces, or continue cooking other dishes using jacket potatoes.

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