
Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Homemade orange fanta. Source: darngoodveggies.com

In the heat of summer, it's impossible to resist a variety of carbonated refreshments. Especially before the bright ones. And one of these drinks is the popular Fanta. However, the color and flavor of such water indicate that it contains a lot of dyes and preservatives. Therefore, you can use a simple idea and make orange Fanta at home.

The idea of making homemade orange Fanta was published on the Instagram page of blogger Nadiia Ravliuk (ravluk_nadia).

Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home


  • oranges – 4 pcs.
  • boiled cold water – 4-4.5 liters
Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home
  • sugar – to taste
  • citric acid – to taste
Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

Method of preparation:

1. Scald the oranges with boiling water and put them in the freezer.

Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

2. Remove and defrost the next day.

3. Cut into slices.

4. Pick out the bones.

5. Grind in a meat grinder with the skin.

Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

6. Pour 3 liters of boiled cold water over everything.

7. Bring to a hot state on gas, but do not boil.

8. Let it brew for an hour.

Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

9. Strain through a fine-mesh colander or sieve.

10. Add another 1-1.5 liters of water, sugar, and citric acid to taste. Citric acid can be replaced with lemon juice.

Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

11. Break everything up well, pour it into plastic bottles or any other container, and let it stand for another hour.

12. Then put it in the refrigerator.

Healthy orange Fanta: how to make at home

13. Drink chilled.

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