Healthy chocolate-banana tart with oatmeal without baking: it is easy to prepare

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Chocolate and banana tart
Chocolate and banana tart

If you want to make a healthy and tasty dessert, it's ideal to do so with simple ingredients, such as oatmeal, fruit, and no sugar. You can easily make any dessert with such a simple set of ingredients, and most importantly, they will be healthy.

Food blogger Karina shared a recipe on Instagram for a delicious oatmeal tart with banana, which is perfect for green tea.

The ingredients:


Dates for the test
  • Dates - 100 g
  • Oatmeal - 60 g
  • Nuts of any kind - 90 g


  • Chocolate - 150 g
  • Banana - 100 g
  • Sweetener as desired
  • Banana - 110 g

Method of preparation:

1. Put all the ingredients for the dough in a blender and blend until smooth.

Dough for dessert

2. Spread the finished mass in the mold and make the sides, put in the refrigerator.

Tart filling

3. Filling: Slice the banana and place it on the bottom of the crust.

4. Melt the chocolate in a water bath.

Chocolate can be dangerous

5. Mash the banana and add to the chocolate, mix well.

6. Pour the mixture over the bananas and spread well.

Bananas for the filling

7. Put the tart in the refrigerator to set well.

Ready tart

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