
Don't throw it away! How to use garlic and onion peels: life hack

Erika IlyinaLS Food
Onions and garlic. Source: freepik

You've probably noticed that after peeling onions and garlic, there are a lot of husks left over. Without even thinking about it, we throw it in the trash because we can't think of a better use for it.

However, food blogger Carly Bodrug has come up with a great way to use onion and garlic peels on her Instagram, so you don't have to throw away mountains of garbage anymore.

Don't throw it away! How to use garlic and onion peels: life hack

Carly collected all the peelings left over from cooking and washed them thoroughly in a solution of water and vinegar. She put the clean waste on a baking sheet and put it in the oven for several hours to dry. The food blogger didn't mention the exact cooking time, but simply noted that the peels should be completely dry.

Don't throw it away! How to use garlic and onion peels: life hack

Now all you need to do is grind the husks to a powder. You can mix the garlic and onion peelings, or you can do it separately using two containers. This way, we will get substitutes for fresh onions and garlic that will taste like fresh vegetables.

Don't throw it away! How to use garlic and onion peels: life hack

In the comments to the video, subscribers noted that you can also add a little salt to this mixture. And another person wrote his own method of using onion husks. She freezes it in the freezer and then cooks the broth.

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