Don't throw it away! How to save stale bread

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
How to save stale bread. Source:

When bread becomes stale, it is impossible to eat it. Therefore, most often the product goes into the trash. But you should not do this. There are several universal ways that will help to bring baked goods back to life.

About how you can save stale bread, told the foodblogger with the nickname o gorodnik in Instagram. The taste will pleasantly surprise you.

Don't throw it away! How to save stale bread

1. Lightly moisten the stale bread with water. You can do this under the faucet, wetting the outer crust. It is important not to overdo it - the bread should be slightly moist, not soggy.

Don't throw it away! How to save stale bread

2. Place the moistened bread in a preheated 170-180 degree oven for 5-10 minutes.

Don't throw it away! How to save stale bread

The bread will gradually absorb moisture and become softer and the crust will become crisp again.

Don't throw it away! How to save stale bread

3. If it's a real hassle, stale bread can be crushed in a blender or meat grinder to make homemade breadcrumbs that can be used for frying or baking dishes.

Don't throw it away! How to save stale bread

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