Delicious plum wine: how to make it at home

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Dark plums are best for wine

In the modern world, there is a special affection for everything natural. Natural means healthy, refined, high-quality, and proven. Many goodies that used to be bought in the store are now being actively produced at home. One of these products is wine. The autumn is the most favorable time for making a homemade drink because many seasonal fruits are ripe now: plums, apples, pears, etc.

Today, the FoodOboz editorial team shares a simple idea for making homemade wine from plums.

What plums are suitable for homemade wine

  • Dark varieties.
  • Those that have fallen off the branch.
  • Unwashed.
  • Without damage.
Making homemade plum wine


Plums – 1 kg

Water – 1 liter

Sugar – 200 g

Method of preparation:

  1. Sort the fruit, leaving only the ripe ones.
  2. Mash the plums with a wooden pestle so that all the bones come out. Put the mass into a glass container, pour cold water in a 1:1 ratio. Stir, cover with cheesecloth, and leave to ferment for 2 days.
  3. After the fermentation starts, strain the mixture, add sugar, and mix.
  4. Pour the resulting liquid (wort) into glass jars, filling them by two-thirds. Close with a water seal. In this form, the jars should stand for about 45 days. In a warm place, but not in the sun. When the mixture stops bubbling, strain it from the sediment.
  5. Pour the wine into bottles, tightly close the lids. For better taste, leave the bottles of wine for 2-3 months.

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