
Canned apricots in syrup: a recipe for the winter

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Apricot recipe. Source:

Apricots are an ideal fruit for making delicious jams, pies, and compotes. They can also be dried for the winter.

What to cook with apricot

The cook shared on Instagram a recipe for delicious canned apricots in syrup, which will be very soft and juicy.

Apricot recipe


  • 450 g sugar
  • 1/2 tsp citric acid
  • apricots

Method of preparation:

1. Wash the apricots and cut them in half, remove the pits.

Ripe apricots

2. Put the apricot halves into the jar tightly, but do not press them down. Pour boiling water over them, cover and leave for 15 minutes.

Apricots in syrup

3. After that, pour the syrup into a saucepan, add sugar and citric acid, stir and put on fire. Bring to a boil, pour the syrup into jars and tighten.

Syrup for apricots

4. Turn the jars upside down and leave them at room temperature until they cool.

Ready-made apricots in syrup.

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