
Can buckwheat be thrown into boiling water: we share cooking tips

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Boiled buckwheat that does not stick to the pan. Source:

Many people are familiar with the situation when buckwheat sticks to the bottom of the pan while cooking. And then washing the dishes is very problematic. And the product itself gives off a burnt flavor.

Therefore, to prevent this from happening, FoodOboz will tell you how to cook crumbly buckwheat correctly.

Can buckwheat be thrown into boiling water: we share cooking tips

How to cook buckwheat in a saucepan so that it does not stick to the bottom:

1.Put buckwheat and water in a saucepan.

2. After boiling, turn down the heat.

Can buckwheat be thrown into boiling water: we share cooking tips

3. Turn off after 20 minutes – this is how long it takes for the buckwheat to be fully cooked.

4. You can also throw the groats into boiling water and cook for up to 20 minutes over low heat without stirring the porridge.

What should be the proportions to make buckwheat crumbly?

Can buckwheat be thrown into boiling water: we share cooking tips

Traditionally, groats are cooked in a 1:2 ratio. That is, you need 2 cups of water for a glass of cereal. For thicker buckwheat porridge, take more water – up to three glasses.

What happens if you put buckwheat in boiling water:

Can buckwheat be thrown into boiling water: we share cooking tips

1. It does not turn into mush, does not stick together, and does not sour.

2. High temperatures are favorable for this cereal.

Can buckwheat be thrown into boiling water: we share cooking tips

So if you put buckwheat in boiling water right away, it won't spoil it.

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