Basic cherry compote for the winter: you need only 3 ingredients

Kateryna YagovychLS Food
Recipe for delicious cherry compote. Source:

Cherries are most often chosen for making compote for the winter. This is because these berries have a pleasant sourness and natural sweetness. They also contain a lot of nutrients, so a drink made from this product is exactly what you need for the winter. And to make compote at home, you need only 3 ingredients.

The recipe for a delicious cherry compote is published on the page ( ua)

Basic cherry compote for the winter: you need only 3 ingredients

Ingredients for a 3-liter jar:

  • cherries - 1 liter
  • sugar - 250 g
  • water
Basic cherry compote for the winter: you need only 3 ingredients

Method of preparation:

1. Pour clean cherries into a clean, sterilized jar (still hot).

2. Pour sugar over the cherries.

Basic cherry compote for the winter: you need only 3 ingredients

3. Pour boiling water over everything at once and roll up the metal lids.

4. Shake the jar a little to dissolve the sugar.

Basic cherry compote for the winter: you need only 3 ingredients

5. Turn the lid down and cover with a blanket.

6. Leave for a day.

7. Transfer to the cellar or pantry.

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