6 rules for a healthy breakfast: expert advice
It's no secret that breakfast is the main meal of the day and determines productivity for the rest of the day. But not everyone knows how to have a proper breakfast and get a boost of energy, rather than feeling tired within an hour. That's because a cup of coffee and two spoons of porridge have become commonplace for some people, which is completely wrong.
Nutritionist Alina Sapiga talked about what a hearty breakfast should be like. Posted on Instagram.
6 commandments of a healthy breakfast
At the same time, it doesn't have to be eggs, although they are the standard.
Protein and fat
This includes fatty fish, avocados, eggs, aged cheese, and nuts. If you're used to having porridge for breakfast, go for it. But the main thing is that it should be with the right addition, not just a banana.
In the first hour after waking up
Although most people can't even think about breakfast at this time. Lack of appetite indicates a too-full and too-late dinner.
Coffee or tea no earlier than 20 minutes after a meal
The tannins contained in these drinks interfere with the absorption of calcium, iron, and zinc from food.
A portion of food should last for 3-4 hours
The ideal option is a salty breakfast with a calorie content of 500 kilocalories or more.
Be sure to move before and after breakfast
This way, you can change the insulin response to the food you eat.