
5 sweets to eat at night

Iryna MelnichenkoLS Food
Oatmeal bars
Oatmeal bars

If you can't give up sweets completely, and even more so if you want to eat sweets in the evening, you should simply replace them with fruit, nuts, or 1 teaspoon of honey, and eat healthy sweets.

The FoodOboz editorial team shares a list of 5 sweets that you can safely eat at night without overloading your stomach at bedtime and without gaining weight.

1. Sorbet

Fruit sorbet

This is a delicious and very simple ice cream made from the juice of sweet fruit. You should squeeze the juice, and add sugar, but you can do it without, and then freeze it.

2. Marshmallows

A wonderful and healthy delicacy made from natural apples and without sugar, it can be safely eaten instead of dessert for tea.

3. Jelly

Berry jelly

This dessert has absolutely no fat, and the total calorie content is almost zero. This makes it an indispensable treat for those who are losing weight.

4. Marmalade

It is better to give up marmalade with sugar

This delicacy can be eaten even by those on a very strict diet. The thing is that it contains a lot of pectin, a substance that helps lower blood cholesterol and normalize metabolism.

5. Fruit chips

Fruit chips are made exclusively by drying pieces of fruit to a crispy state, so they are not harmful, but healthy. They retain all the nutrients..

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