
What indoor plants can be left unwatered for a month: top hardy flowers

What indoor plants can be left without watering for even a month. Source: Created with the help of AI

Life in the modern world is dynamic and busy. We often travel, get immersed in work, or simply don't have much free time.

In such circumstances, caring for indoor plants can be a challenge. However, you shouldn't give up the pleasure of having flowers, because OBOZ.UA has shared a selection of plants that can survive without watering for even a month.

Bocarnea (Nolina)

The secret of this plant is that it accumulates moisture in the bulb located at the base of the trunk. So you don't have to worry about forgetting to water it on time.

Due to its unique appearance, Bokarnya is also popularly called "horse tail". It is often seen in office buildings or shopping centers because it is really easy to care for.

Rubber ficus

Ficuses are very popular among fans of indoor plants because they look very attractive and are not picky about their care. This plant tolerates drought very well, especially in winter. Then the ficus can be left alone without watering for at least a month.

The main thing is that before leaving for a long time, wipe the ficus leaves with a damp cloth, water it moderately, and place it in an unlit corner.


This unpretentious plant, also called mother-in-law's tongue, can survive even in the most unfavorable conditions. Sansevieria does not need a lot of light, and it is not harmed by overdrying or waterlogging the soil, even for several weeks.

During your absence, the flower may lose some of its decorative qualities, but it will be restored very quickly when it is watered again.


Spiderwort is also called crested chlorophytum. It is a very unpretentious but at the same time useful houseplant. According to research, it can absorb formaldehyde. Therefore, if you are planning to buy new furniture, you should put a spider plant near it to reduce the concentration of harmful substances in the air.

Don't worry if you tend to forget to water your flowers. The spider plant can stay without water for a very long time because it stores moisture in the rhizome. If you know in advance that you will need to leave for a long time, then put the plant in a humid room (bath) in advance so that the leaves can be saturated with moisture and better survive the drought.


This group of plants evolved in arid conditions. It is known that succulents have special cells that can retain water, so their thick, fleshy leaves or stems can easily accumulate moisture. If you are often on business trips or go on vacation, these plants will be an ideal choice for you.

There are a lot of types of succulents, so you will find the ones you like.


This stylish, exotic, and modern plant, also known as the "dollar tree", can survive even in the darkest corners of your home. Zamioculcas does not need frequent watering, and its thick glossy leaves can maintain their aesthetic appearance for a long time.

It is better to water this plant too little rather than too much because it does not tolerate waterlogging, so a little drought will do zamioculcas good.


This flower is native to the humid tropics of East Asia, but despite this, it has perfectly adapted to the conditions of city apartments. Aspidistra is resistant to temperature fluctuations, does not need much light, and develops quite well in rooms with central heating and without frequent watering.

If you are planning to leave for a few weeks, all you need to do is move the pot to a place where it will not be exposed to direct sunlight, wipe the leaves, and water the flower.

Hoya carnosa

Hoya carnosa or "wax ivy" accumulates moisture in its thick, shiny leaves, so it can survive without water for even several months. However, during the flowering period, you should be more careful, because then its need for water increases.

If you find that the hoya has not survived and has completely dried up, then you can try to revive it. To do this, cut off the stem and put it in water so that it gives roots in a couple of weeks.

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