
What are ampelous tomatoes and how to grow them at home: tips

What are ampelous tomatoes and how to grow them at home. Source: freepik.com

Tomatoes are one of the most favorite vegetables not only for gardeners, but for all Ukrainians. However, people who don't have a summer cottage, as a rule, are happy with purchased fruits even in summer.

If you have a knack for gardening, you shouldn't deny yourself the pleasure of growing vegetables. Experts talked about what ampelous tomatoes are and how to grow them at home.

Ampelous plants are those with thin, flexible stems that hang down and are suitable for growing in pots and planters. Usually, they are grown only for their decorative qualities, but recently it has become popular to plant vegetables in this way.

In fact, the so-called ampelous tomatoes do not exist, but if you choose the right variety with flowing, flexible, beautiful shoots and one that can bear fruit in a limited pot space, you can easily grow ampelous tomatoes at home.

Varieties of indoor tomatoes

In specialized stores you can find dwarf, undersized and even indoor tomato varieties. They can be easily grown in pots with a volume of 3 liters or more right in the kitchen so that you always have access to fresh vegetables.

Indoor red

If you plant this early variety in a pot or planter, the plants will be 25-35 cm tall. During fruiting, the shoots drop down due to the weight of the tomatoes and resemble an ampelous plant.

With proper care, up to 10-12 small, but sweet and juicy fruits are formed in the fruit brushes.

Balcony yellow and Balcony red

These hybrid varieties are quite resistant and unpretentious. They do not need pinching, they form a beautiful crown on their own. They will not grow taller than 40 cm in pots.

These are also early varieties, so you won't have to wait long to enjoy sweet tomatoes with a rich flavor.

Balcony miracle golden

This variety, like the previous ones, is very compact and will not grow taller than 30-35 cm. If you take care of the plant properly, you will eventually get up to 5-7 yellow cherry tomatoes with a very mild and sweet taste.

Compact tomato varieties

These varieties are designed to be grown outdoors, but because they are compact and will do well in pots and planters, you can grow them as ampelous. They need larger pots (5 liters or more) than indoor tomatoes, but they are more diverse.

Briscolino F1

This variety can be classified as a "cocktail" variety in terms of fruit size. It is characterized by abundant fruiting, surprisingly sweet fruit taste, and plasticity and flexibility of fruit brushes. The size of the plant in a pot is up to 50 cm.

Solerosso F1

This Dutch hybrid is quite tall but compact. Its height reaches 55-60 cm.

It is early, unpretentious, and from one bush you will get sweet and fleshy fruits throughout the summer.

Omnia F1

With sufficient soil on the balcony, this variety grows up to 60 cm tall. It is characterized by beautiful dense foliage that covers the bush and shades the fruit. Because of this, the plant can withstand direct sunlight, heat, and drought.


This is one of the traditional low-growing varieties. It is medium early and has very beautiful clusters and elongated fruits with a pronounced tip.


The yellow fruits of this variety have a delicate flavor, thin skin and juicy flesh. The bushes grow in pots up to 50-60 cm. The plant does not need pinching and hangs very well from the pot.

Growing ampelous tomatoes

Growing tomatoes in pots at home is no different from planting and caring for tomatoes in the garden. They can also be grown using the seedling method to get an earlier harvest.

Just remember that tomatoes need a lot of heat and sun for good growth and fruiting. Also, do not neglect regular watering and fertilizing. Ampelous tomatoes need to be fertilized at least 2 times a month.

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