
Time to calm down: horoscope for all zodiac signs for April

The solar eclipse and Mercury retrograde can bring with them not only challenges but also opportunities. Source: Created with the help of AI

A corridor of eclipses, Mercury retrograde, and a Mars-Saturn conjunction in Pisces will define the beginning of April. From the astrological point of view, this means that the tension will increase to the maximum.

A professionally drawn up horoscope advises all zodiac signs not to rush into this difficult time. In the second half of the month, everything will start to improve. Read on to find out how to make the month easier for yourself in the full horoscope for April.


In the past few months, you've been experiencing rebirth and evolution in your life. This month's eclipse takes things to a new level: the seeds you plant now will bear huge fruit in the future. Thus, pay attention to what you do and what consequences it may have.

However, even if there are signs of progress in your life, you may be dealing with deep wounds and past pain internally. They continue to resurface in your subconscious mind, making life difficult for you. Don't run away from what you're feeling. At the end of the month, things will change for the better, especially in the financial sphere, and you'll be able to shake off your problems and start over.


You've been hibernating for the past few weeks. However, now you're ready to face problems and challenges head-on. Look inside yourself and you'll find all the clues there. This doesn't mean you shouldn't connect with others, but you will become even more discerning and selective about who you share your energy with and why. Clear out the old and make room for the new. Remember that Mercury retrograde can bring back what you're trying to get rid of.

The beginning of the Taurus season will also bring you new luck. You deserve the gifts of fate, so accept them with gratitude. Take a short vacation or meet up with friends to share the positive with them.


In early April, you may be in a quiet mode because your friends and acquaintances may not understand your moods and you won't be in the mood to talk to them or anyone else. However, after the solar eclipse on April 8, your friendships may experience a period of revival and you'll finally be able to say goodbye to those you've outgrown.

The upcoming month could lead to a profound breakthrough on your path to healing. Take as much time as you need to realize your inner changes. Shed some dead weight and make room for rebirth.


The solar eclipse on April 8 can take your professional trajectory to new and shining heights. However, in order to achieve this goal, you must embark on your journey with confidence and passion. Use the 10 days after the solar eclipse to vividly envision what you'd like to accomplish professionally over the next year and tune into that vibration by moving and thinking like a boss. Don't be afraid to let go of what you've outgrown and what you're no longer interested in.

Your mission this month is to learn from your past and make wiser and more balanced moves when planning your next steps. Make new acquaintances as a person who will teach you a new way of living and thinking will come into your life. The end of April will be especially favorable for love.


In April, you will be in the mood for long-distance travel or long-term projects. You're ready to make a radical change, and the cool thing is that you can successfully move in any direction you want. Believe that what inspires you the most is your path. Use the 10 days after the solar eclipse to envision what this new beginning looks, feels, sounds, and smells like for you. Be specific and dream big.

At the end of April, you may get a promotion, decide to quit your job and do something more rewarding, or even take a sabbatical and spend more time alone with yourself. Look for solace and fresh thoughts in nature. However, don't make any major decisions until April 25 when Mercury comes out of retrograde.


If you've been wanting to apply for a grant, attract investment or apply for a scholarship or loan program, the eclipse on April 8 will give you the confidence and drive to pursue what you want. You will finally stop putting yourself second. This may seem easier said than done at first. But in reality, now is a great time to review and update your priorities and commitments. This will allow you to make better use of your time and energy in the long run.

At the end of April, a life-changing connection may come into your life. Say yes to bright new beginnings even if they seem daunting at first.


In early April, you'll likely be busy clearing out your space of all the old, unnecessary stuff and setting healthy boundaries. Continue to do this work during the first week of April because after the solar eclipse, you'll want to feel spiritually and emotionally grounded. This will allow you to let in the energies that are appropriate for your state.

In the second half of the month, the chance of finding your dream partner or receiving a significant amount of money for your projects increases. At this point, you'll be able to see if you've done a good job of clearing your life of junk. The better you do this, the greater your wealth will become.


You enter April feeling grounded and ready for any twists and turns in life. Your ability to adapt more easily is your ability to view life as an adventure that you can experience every moment. Instead of focusing on what's going to happen in the future, cultivate a presence in the here and now.

The eclipse corridor encourages you to put your own needs first and secure your own foundation before trying to help others. The world does not need you to be a selfless savior. Accept the healing you deserve and allow your inner child to come to the fore. From that moment on, doors will continue to open for you with great ease. Walk through the doors meant for you and open them lovingly for others.


You're likely to feel tension between the desire to relax and the urge to move forward with brand new plans. Try to find a sense of balance in April even if the fiery nature of the eclipse season makes life extremely unpredictable.

You will be pushed out of your comfort zone. To make your life more predictable and grounded, get more involved in sports and your physical health. Take your time in your endeavors because you've been through a real metamorphosis lately and need a smooth evolution.


April invites you to take responsibility and be clear about what you want, not what others want from you. Perhaps it's time to change your home. In any case, it's time to take on new projects. Whatever path you choose, make sure it's connected to what you really want to do, not what society says you should do.

At the end of April, you might fall in love or someone who is in love with you will reveal their feelings to you. It can be an overwhelming and strange experience, but you'll be able to clearly understand what you're ready to call into your life. This will dampen any fears.


You've been wanting to get rid of all the worries of the past, so allow yourself to have some fun in April. The key is to flex your creative muscles rather than letting your logical or intellectual side always take the lead. Being creative will clear your mind and allow you to have unforgettable experiences.

Dedicate the second half of the month to your home. Plan to renovate or buy real estate or make a family plan for the coming years. Soft power and clear planning work wonders. Say "yes" to the divine synchronicity happening in your life.


Situations you could only dream of are now becoming your reality. Don't sabotage these changes by thinking it's too good to be true. Make room for your mind to grow so that you can accept that this is what you deserve and what can improve your situation.

You may amaze yourself with your ability to tell the truth, advocate for others, set healthy boundaries, and be clear about what is and is not negotiable. Look into your feelings and let yourself shine like the star you are.

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