
The consequences will be serious: what not to do during the eclipse corridor. Astro forecast

Horoscope for the eclipse corridor. Source: Created with the help of AI

The first lunar eclipse on March 25 opened the door to the eclipse corridor. This is a special time in astrology, a period of change and transformation.

Astrologers say that decisions made during these days can be life-changing and have long-term consequences. The energy of the eclipse corridor will facilitate new achievements, but it's about careful planning, not impulsive decisions.

What not to do

Astrologers emphasize that during the eclipse corridor, you should not:

  • make important decisions;
  • sign agreements and contracts;
  • go on a trip;
  • invest or borrow money, take out loans;
  • make drastic changes in appearance;
  • get into conflicts;
  • break off relationships or start new ones;
  • move;
  • take risks;
  • change your place of work.


Focus your energy on self-discovery. The eclipse corridor will shed light on circumstances that hinder your spiritual and financial growth. Think carefully about the meaning of these circumstances: are you really happy with these people?


You should pay attention to your habits and attitude to health. It's time to give up habits that are not beneficial. As soon as you get rid of the excess – without risking your wallet – you'll have the energy to make new discoveries.


You will find many new contacts in this corridor, so your social activity will increase greatly, and this can open doors to professional fields. But be careful with the information you share.


You will feel a surge of energy to implement new projects. Don't be afraid to experiment and try new things. Romance will reign in your personal life.


Your ability to analyze everything around you in detail will be the key to new opportunities. Find more time for yourself, take time for your health, get enough rest, and recuperate. Investments will bring a good return on investment.


Prioritize your needs, otherwise you risk staying in a relationship with someone you no longer need.


Socialize more, as you will have many opportunities during this period. You shouldn't avoid new acquaintances. The energies of the eclipse corridor will help you achieve your goals, so act boldly but take no risks.


The eclipse will be a time for you to focus on your professional ambitions. Your ability to plan and organize will bring positive results in your work. It's important not to ignore your personal life, and make time for your family.


Your creativity will be at its peak, so don't be afraid to experiment and turn your ideas into the most daring projects. During this period, it's important to be open to change and new opportunities, as they can affect the future.


It's time for change in the financial sector. If you can change your approach to material wealth during the week, new professional opportunities will arise by the end of the eclipse corridor.

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