
Why the period from 27 to 30 is very difficult: astrologers have found an explanation

Horoscope about the influence of Saturn. Source: Created with the help of AI

Everyone goes through periods of difficulty and trial in their lives. Astrologers have found that the years of maximum spiritual transformation occur during Saturn's return. In astrology, Saturn is the planet of responsibility, challenges, and character building, so it is important to be prepared for life-changing trials so as not to lose heart and despair.

Saturn stays in the same zodiac sign for 2.5 years, and it takes about 29 years to make a full revolution around the zodiac wheel. Therefore, astrologers note that the period from 27 to 30 years is very difficult for everyone. The second Saturn return comes to us at the age of 59, and if we are lucky, we will experience the third return around the age of 90.

What is Saturn's return

The age of 27-30 is a turning point in life. It's time to draw the first conclusions, make important decisions, and think about the next generations.

Saturn can be a harsh teacher, but this relentless planet will teach you not only how to survive, but also how to thrive in a harsh and unpredictable world. Saturn shows us how karma has consequences, but it also teaches us how to free ourselves from this karma. Saturn will "return" to the zodiac sign it was in when you were born, and this can bring the most dramatic challenges in your life.

Why the period from 27 to 30 is difficult

A Saturn Return occurs when Saturn reaches the exact position – by sign and degree – that it was in at the time of your birth. You will probably feel this energy even before it reaches its maximum point.

Saturn is associated with the following aspects: duties, rules, restrictions, obligations, challenges, and lessons. Sometimes the lessons are tough. It's a kind of maturity test, so it's important to be on your toes.

It's important to remember that Saturn's job is to push you to move on to the next stage of life.

To determine when your Saturn return will occur, you first need to calculate your birth chart and look at the zodiac sign of your natal Saturn placement. Then you can check the dates when Saturn will return to the same zodiac sign. The first Saturn return will occur around the age of 27 to 30.

How to prepare for Saturn's return

Think about your life up to this point: you've been limited by the rules set by your parents, teachers, bosses, mentors, and even society at large. Now Saturn steps in to ask some hard questions.

  • Do you take responsibility for yourself, your life, and your choices?
  • Is your current life path in line with what you've always wanted?
  • Are you fulfilling your obligations to others, and most importantly, to yourself?

You will have to get rid of many internal doubts to make room for a renewed vision of your life.

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