
Who will have new opportunities and who will fail: tarot horoscope for the week

Tarot horoscope for the week of May 4. Source: Created with the help of AI

For centuries, tarot cards have been used to answer complex questions and look into the future. Their mystical meanings make people think and help them to understand themselves.

Astrologers have prepared a weekly tarot horoscope for all zodiac signs. Regardless of whether you believe in the supernatural power of the cards, they can give you the guidance you need.

Aries: 9 of Wands

Aries has been working so hard that they are now at their limits. Don't lose faith in yourself and your business. You become stronger when it seems like all the work you've done is in vain, but you still don't give up.

The fact that you keep moving forward against all odds proves that sooner or later you will reach your goal.

Taurus: 7 of Wands

This week, you may find yourself trapped in a conversation with someone who wants to dominate you or boost their self-esteem at the expense of others. It's time to gain strength and learn how to defend yourself.

Make logical decisions, but stick to your guns and defend the views and beliefs that are close to you no matter what.

Gemini: Moon

This week, your deepest fears and subconscious motives are revealed. Although you try your best to get rid of these uncomfortable emotions, they continue to overwhelm your reality.

Instead of running away from your emotions, introspect and accept them. Keep a diary, meditate, and talk to your loved ones to figure out how to improve your life.

Who will have new opportunities and who will fail: tarot horoscope for the week

Cancer: Fool

New adventures await Cancers. However, you may be too naive about the challenges that await you due to your lack of experience.

Enjoy your optimism, but don't make careless or stupid mistakes. However, if you do encounter setbacks, use practical and proven methods to come out on top.

Leo: 3 of Wands

You have a great idea, but you need to flesh it out. If you are feeling inspired, the 3 of Wands is a sign that you will soon begin to turn your thoughts into reality. Don't be afraid to take a path you didn't expect. Take advantage of every opportunity to do something incredible.

Eventually, your idea will take on a life of its own, so push it and let it develop on its own.

Virgo: Moderation

If you've been going to extremes and filling your life with a lot of events and exhausting work, it's time to pause. You can't always run forward in life, despite the many opportunities and gifts that the universe has in store for you.

The Moderation card wants you to focus on yourself and restore balance. Even if you have to reschedule meetings and extend deadlines, you shouldn't feel guilty about it.

Libra: 7 of Cups

Libras have too many interests, making it difficult for them to make choices. You are a versatile person who wants to explore the world and succeed in many areas. Your passion for life is something to be proud of, but it's time to prioritize.

Stop chasing unrealistic dreams, come back to reality, and start being honest with yourself. Stop wasting time on things that won't benefit you in the future.

Scorpio: 10 of Cups

The 10 of Cups is one of the most joyful cards in the deck, as it symbolizes emotional and spiritual fulfillment and a sense of unity and wholeness. Even if you tend to think pessimistically, this week you will start to see things differently. You'll realize that you already have everything you need to be happy and recognize that the universe really does love you.

Who will have new opportunities and who will fail: tarot horoscope for the week

Sagittarius: Sun

Something in your life is about to shine so brightly that it will blind you. The Sun card means that something you have always dreamed of is finally starting to come true. All the hard work you've put in is finally getting the attention it deserves.

You're in the spotlight this week, so take advantage of it.

Capricorn: Queen of Pentacles

Capricorns always do what they promise others and themselves. However, if you force yourself to do something and have high expectations of your work and your colleagues, you can burn out and fall into a trap.

The Queen of Pentacles wants you to realize that success is harder to achieve if you don't have compassion for yourself and the people around you.

Aquarius: 7 of Pentacles

You are working very hard, but you may not see immediate results. What you are trying to achieve will take time, patience, and effort.

The 7 of Pentacles is an omen that you will soon see progress begin to take shape. Don't give up and keep going towards your goal.

Pisces: 3 of Swords

Pisces is one of the most emotional signs in the zodiac. This week you may feel disappointed or even betrayed because you have built up too many illusions.

You are such a deep and spiritual person that not everyone can understand you and it's not your fault. Don't let other people's ignorance affect your self-esteem.

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